Posts for Trading Category

Own cryptocurrencies by buying oncryptocurrency Exchanges

Trading - Zelina Williams - September 17, 2020

btc to php

The first concept that you should know if you are interested in buying and selling cryptocurrencies is what are called exchanges. They are virtual platforms, and as their own name indicates, they serve to exchange all kinds of cryptocurrencies for fiat money or vice versa. Fiat is a term that is used to name any other world currencies such as euros, dollars, etc.Visit this site for btc to gbp.

The following types of exchange houses can be distinguished according to their characteristics:

Traditional Exchanges

They work like stock exchanges. Users who buy and sell cryptocurrencies on these types of platforms accept the current market price of digital currencies established by the platform. This type of exchange works as an intermediary and therefore they charge a fee for each transaction that is made. Usually the currency that is most used for buying and selling is the US dollar.Click here for btc to gbp.

Direct trading Exchanges

There is no direct intermediary, users are the ones who make the exchanges directly. Therefore, the price of Bitcoin and that of the other cryptocurrencies is not stipulated. The platform is in charge of putting buyers and sellers in contact, depending on whether their negotiation criteria are more or less adapted.

Cryptocurrency Brokers Exchanges

They work like a currency exchange house, where users can exchange one cryptocurrency for another. They buy according to the market price adding a small commission. It is a comfortable option and its rates vary according to the volume of products bought or sold.

Cryptocurrency Funds

They allow you to acquire cryptocurrencies through a fund made up of virtual currencies that is professionally managed. What is actually bought is a part of the fund which contains cryptocurrencies, but the digital currencies themselves are not acquired.

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Is bitcoin mining profitable?

Trading - Zelina Williams - August 24, 2020

Bitcoin Price

People’s interest in bitcoin currency has increased with the value of bitcoins rising to $300 per coin to a peak of $20,000 per coin in 2017. Other cryptocurrencies are also seeing an equal surge in the markets. bitcoin mining is similar to that. You just need to set up a computer and start solving complex puzzles for rewarding with a coin for even a fraction of a coin. Bitcoin miners can earn money quickly by using computing power in their homes.

Serious miners are building huge arrays of earning money and joining a bitcoin mining pool turns out to be effective. It surely comes with a fee reducing your profits. You have to give the set-up costs and sometimes graphics cost as much as $700 per piece. For states with higher electricity, one needs to pay $6,000 for just one bitcoin.

The concept of cloud mining

Depending on the company you have chosen you to have to pay a monthly fee according to the hash rate. Cloud miners allow you to access bitcoins at higher rates. In many cases, you might need to sign a one-year-long contract. If the rate of cryptocurrencies decreases, you would be stuck in an unprofitable manner. With cloud mining, you don’t have to worry about electricity consumption, and all direct costs are under your rigs.

  1. Taking the long view

Buying bitcoins and investing in bitcoin mining turns out to be an expensive affair and even risky. The market is for the young and who sees great potential only can go ahead. With buying bitcoins from exchanges like Coinbase, the rules are simple and allow you to buy fractions of any kind of cryptocurrencies.

The mining form is profitable only when you know the right ways of reducing money and using it. Or else, it can turn out to be quite expensive for you.

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